3D mockup is now available!

3D mockup is now available!

To ensure the best experience, HugePOD has upgraded the design effect of certain products from 2D to 3D, and the designs applied on those products will also be transferred into their 3D version, which provides a more direct and thorough view! The upgrade may alter the design area and location. We hereby ask you to confirm the 3D effect. Once you confirm that the designs are transferred correctly, the orders can be proceed as usual! The confirmation steps are easy as well!

  1. Log into your HugePOD account, and click the Confirm 3D effects Button;
  2. Under Products Pool, find products with the Unconfirmed tag, click To confirm;
  3. Check the placement/effect of your designs in the design tool, and click "Save".
  4. Return to Products Pool, now your products should be Stocked/Ordered/Carted again.


  • Please check your designs on PC.
  • You can edit the designs to prevent transfer errors.
  • Please find your products in "Products Pool".
  • If you have added any updated products to your store, please remove them from your store and add the same products with 3D mockups after you confirm the 3D effects.

Feel free to contact us at info@hugepod.com for any questions, we're here 24/7 Confirm 3D effects >>>

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